Computing ray origin and direction from Model View Projection matrices for raymarching
When performing raymarching (as well a raycasting and raytracing) using fragment shaders in OpenGL, it's required to compute ray's origin and direction. Here we will give solution for finding it from the Model View Projection matrices in OpenGL, implemented in openFrameworks. Using it, you can combine raymarching/raycasting/raytracing with forward OpenGL rendering, so obtain hybrid rendering modes. Also, you can use it for creating VE applications based on raymarching or hybrid rendering. (Actually, we checked what this approach is corrent by creating VR rendering app in HTC Vive). The algorithm can be used on any OpenGL platform with any language supporting matrix inversion computation (in our case it's C++ with GLM library, included in openFrameworks 0.10.1). The approach is based on this hint by GClements in this discussion on the topic: